Who We Are

who we are

Elite Pioneers Security Company is a leading company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a proven track record of providing the highest quality security services and security guards for more than 20 years. We are keen to provide the highest levels of service to achieve customer satisfaction, and we are also pleased to be a party to the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 through our commitment to our responsibilities in carrying out our tasks in the best way.




Providing the highest security services for the benefit of the customer first and maintaining clear and continuous communication;    To be honest in the application of our principles: integrity and honesty towards our customers, employees, suppliers and partners, and to     honor our        commitments at all times.



To be a leading security company locally and regionally, and to provide the latest and most successful comprehensive and innovative security solutions, achieving an excellent reputation in meeting the demands of our customers and exceeding their expectations based on our core principles: integrity, faith, and trust.


company’s policy

The ” Elite Pioneers Security Company ” has chosen for itself this field in order to engage in it with strength, determination, determination and complete confidence, with the success of God… Raising the slogans of honesty, commitment, determination and good performance, as it is one of the basics of success. This, and the company’s policy includes the following basic items

– To ensure that its policy is implemented with honesty, sincerity and care to ensure the interests of its customers, as one of the company’s     management priorities is to preserve the valuable properties of customers in a manner that satisfies their satisfaction and approval, thus ensuring the continuity of cooperation for a longer term.


– Carrying out the work of civil security guards in a sound and organized manner, as these works are important and sensitive in terms of     administrative responsibility, as safety and compliance with laws are two important elements for the continuity of work.


– Providing trained and qualified security guards who meet the employment conditions contained in the Security Guards System of the   Executive Regulations.


– Training the guards periodically and keeping abreast of everything new in the scope of the guards’ work.


– Maintaining the confidentiality of all documents related to clients that are in its custody, as well as the confidentiality of information that it   has access to in accordance with its work.


– In the event of the absence of a guard or his withdrawal due to force majeure, the company shall provide a replacement before leaving the   site to ensure the maintenance of the workflow.


– Providing any additional number of guards requested by the clients within a period of ten days at the same cost specified for the security   guard referred to in the contract.


– Replacement of guards is not desirable within a week of receiving official notification from customer representatives.


– Securing the uniform approved by the Ministry of Interior and obligating them to wear it during working hours. The company also issues a   written warning with a warning of dismissal in the event that they do not respect the binding directives.


– Ensuring that the guards carry out the tasks assigned to them and that they are not preoccupied with matters other than the work assigned to   them.


– Commitment to implementing the instructions issued by the company’s management regarding the organization of the gates.


– Providing customers with the names of supervisors and officials who can communicate with them to meet their needs in accordance with the     provisions of the contract signed with them and in force.


– Securing the safety of the specific sites belonging to customers with its assets and people working in it from any internal or external danger in accordance with the official laws in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


– Coordination with the competent security authorities according to the law and the executive regulations in the event of errors or violations   that occur due to the deliberate or unintentional negligence or negligence of the security guards, and compensation for these damages if necessary.


– Coordination with the competent security authorities according to the law and the executive regulations in the event of errors or violations     that occur due to the deliberate or unintentional negligence or negligence of the security guards, and compensation for these damages if   necessary.


– Encouraging clients to present development ideas for study and application of what ensures the interest of all.